Sponsorship Opportunities
Connecther invests in women and girls by amplifying their voices through stories, projects, and film. Help us advance women and girls around the world and be a part of the solution!

“I love that ConnectHER Film Festival is about helping young filmmakers share their stories. It's very courageous of them to make these films and speak up. Connecting these young leaders is a powerful way to support each other across the world.”
Eloise DeJoria, Presenting Sponsor and Finalist Judge

“Black women engage in a global struggle for their dignity and humanity and they are winning. ConnectHER Film Festival shows us their victories. The films are inspiring in a moment of pain.”
Jyarland Daniels, Advisory Board Member

“These empowered young ConnectHer storytellers, these women refusing to set limits on their infinite talents, are absolutely my role models.”
Ian Somerhalder, Finalist Judge and Sponsor

Title sponsorship of category winner
Logo on all title cards
Logo on step and repeat and banners
Press release highlight and inclusion
Social media call-outs
Reserved seating for 10 at film festival award ceremony
Backstage access
Logo on ConnectHER Film Festival website
Beyond the Festival:
Customized PitchFest for original film ownership
Fellowship supporter
Customized options available including judging and programming
Prize sponsorship
Fellowship supporter
Logo on title card
Logo on printed materials throughout the year
Logo on ConnectHER website
Logo on step and repeat banners
Press release highlight and inclusion for ConnectHER
Social media call-outs
Reserved seating for 10 at film festival award ceremony
Backstage access
Customized options available
PATRON $50,000
Title sponsorship of category winner
Logo on all title cards
Fellowship supporter
Logo on printed materials throughout the year
Logo on ConnectHER website
Logo on step and repeat banners
Press release highlight and inclusion for ConnectHER
Social media call-outs
Reserved seating for 8 at film festival award ceremony
Backstage access
Customized options available
Title sponsorship of category winner
Logo on all title cards
Logo on printed materials throughout the year
Logo on ConnectHER website
Logo on step and repeat banners
Press release highlight and inclusion for ConnectHER
Social media call-outs
Reserved seating for 6 at film festival award ceremony
Backstage access
Customized options available