Volunteers are required to attend an orientation meeting prior to the Girls Impact the World Film Festival conducted by Ayesha, Uzma and Shadia to discuss schedules, roles and responsibilities and emergency procedures.
Upon arrival on the day of the event, volunteers must check in with a Connecther Ambassador and secure a name badge.
Dress Code
Volunteers are representatives of Connecther and are responsible for presenting a professional image to the community. Volunteers should dress appropriately for the conditions and performance of their duties, business casual is suggested.
Attendance and Time
Volunteer attendance is important to the operation of each program. Dependability is imperative in a volunteer position. Volunteers should communicate 3 days in advance if they are unable to be present on their scheduled day.
Volunteers are expected to follow rules of conduct that will protect the interest and safety of all volunteers, staff and Connecther. The following are only some examples of inappropriate conduct which could lead to dismissal:
Theft or inappropriate removal or possession of ConnectHer property or that of any Connecther volunteer, staff, agent or visitor.
Volunteering under the infuence of alcohol or illegal drugs and/or illegal or unauthorized possession, distribution, sale, transfer, or use of alcohol or illegal drugs in the volunteer environment.
Creating a disturbance at Connecther sponsored activities or events.
Improper use of Connecther property or property owned by any other individual or organization.
Lack of cooperation, or other disrespectful conduct.
Unsatisfactory performance or conduct which includes asking celebrities for photo ops or signatures is prohibited.
Cell phone usage should be kept to a minimum during event hours. When permitted, personal phone calls should be short and prompt and should not interfere with volunteer service.
Accepting Payment or Gifts
No volunteer shall accept payment of any kind (including gifts, cash, discounts, concessions, services or other similar items or benefts) for services rendered as part of his or her volunteer service in relation to Connecther.
The Making of Statements
No volunteer shall make statements or opinions on behalf of Connecther.