The female bathrooms of a nightclub is the most supportive environment known to womankind. From zombie viruses to bomb diffusuals, the women prove that together, they can overcome anything. A story of female-empowerment that demonstrates women as leaders and a force to be reckoned with.

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About the filmmakers

Bella Henry is a 19-year old student studying a Bachelor of Film and Television (with Honours) at Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne, Australia. Bella is passionate about females in film and strives to make her mark as an influential woman in the film industry.

Elleni Yates is a 19-year-old film student from Swinburne University studying their Bachelor of Film and Television (with Honours). Her vision is to share stories of people from all experiences, to create compassion through a cinematic lens. She also aims to bring the empowerment of a female gaze.